If there’s one thing RSB loves, it’s adding a touch of innovation to events that celebrate the best of traditions. Recently, we had the opportunity to show how technology can elevate the impact of a classic event with our Transparent LED Wall, and the edition of “Sabores de Perdição”, organized by Castelo Branco City Hall, was the perfect stage for this.

RSB Castelo Branco RSB Castelo Branco

When the Transparent LED Wall Enters the Scene

Castelo Branco City Hall brought a stand to the event that needed to highlight the flavors and knowledge of Beira Baixa in a unique and modern way. And this is where our star shines: the Transparent LED Wall. This high-tech display offers clear, impactful viewing with up to 80% transparency, allowing visitors to engage with the content while continuing to enjoy the event atmosphere.

RSB Castelo Branco

RSB’s Touch of Magic

With our Transparent LED Wall, we transform the visual communication of the stand into something extraordinary. While visitors enjoyed the region’s products, images and information about the products played on the screen, creating a mesmerizing and high-impact effect.

A World of Possibilities

If there’s anything we’ve learned, it’s that when tradition meets innovation, the result is always something memorable. The Transparent LED Wall not only highlighted the City Hall stand, but also showed how technology can be a powerful ally in the promotion and dissemination of any event or product.

RSB Castelo Branco RSB Castelo Branco

So, if you are planning an event and want to add a futuristic touch, remember: at RSB, we have the perfect solution to make your project shine. Let us transform the ordinary into something spectacular with our cutting-edge technology and make your event remembered by everyone!

See the impact of our Transparent LED Wall in action and discover how RSB can make a difference at your next event.


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