We were once again responsible for the creation and construction of the stand for Korber for the Porto Empack Logistics e Automation convention that happened in the 19th and 20th of April at Exponor, in Porto. 🛠👏

Korber stand in the Porto Empack Logistics e Automation convention

This stand counted with an inovative, clean and minimalist design, that framed in perfection the visual identity of the brand, the same as in last year’s project, for which we were also responsible.

Korber stand in the Porto Empack Logistics and Automation convention

Korber stand in the Porto Empack Logistics and Automation convention

Our technological touch was in full display! This time, we used our solution of Suspended Hologram (Holografic 3D Fan), where we projected the brand’s logo, and the Digital and Interactive Mupi for which we developed the totally personalized content.

Digital interactive Mupi in Korber's stand

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