Video Mapping

Video Mapping is the ideal vehicle for transmitting any type of message as there is no limit to the content to be communicated. It is possible to produce amazing graphic images that can be displayed on virtually any surface, from a building facade to a simple white sneaker.

Unlike traditional videos, which are only projected onto a flat screen, this mapping allows 3D animations to transform the same screen into an interactive scenario. In addition to entertainment, Video Mapping can also be used as a communication tool in different themes and areas.

There is no better experience for the viewer than the presentation of a product using Video Mapping. Viewers are excited and captivated when they see products come to life as they move and magically explain themselves.

At RSB we create audiovisual narratives by combining or triggering video with audio. The results are extraordinary effects, infinite possibilities to create optical illusions in a completely clean way. We don’t need to use a single piece of paper, plastic or fabric, just projection and creativity.


Video Mapping