RSB goes wild and spicy

Valentine’s Day Synopsis – Or The Day He Took Her Home


Young and inexperienced, delicate, she had never traveled, had never even left the comfort of the home where she was born. But today was the day! It was raining outside but she felt safe, snuggled, she could hear her heart beating, she was leaning against a beating chest… it was beating hard, she curled up a little more…


She felt anxious, everything was new and he’d been so assertive. “Yes, you are perfect. Come with me and together we will keep many memories!”


Now they were there, alone. The way she had everything organized on that table was a sign to her that they were perfect for each other. She also likes everything in its place, so if they were organized by folders, identified with capital letters at the beginning…! Yes, they seemed made for each other.


Slowly he pushed back the barrier that separated them, he felt free as he didn’t even know it was possible to ever feel. He heard a click, “Good heavens, I didn’t know that was a pull-off! I’m vulnerable! Wait, my head is spinning, I feel like I’m upside down! But…I don’t see anything…it’s dark…there’s a little light…” – Pirimpimpim!!! Removable drive detected. Wish to scan?


“No” – he selected. “It’s a brand new pen, it still doesn’t have a virus. Is perfect!”