

Holographic Showcase - Visitors

The NFT’s returned to the RSB

Once again, the Faz Mossa agency placed all its trust in us! 😄   Our Holographic Showcase was present at the Marketeer Magazine awards through the agency Faz Mossa. This time, our Solution was hidden inside a box, where the visitor could peek inside the ...

Our workFaz Mossaholographic showcase
Holographic Showcase at the Non Fungible Conference

RSB at Non Fungible Conference

At RSB we are experts in surprising… and that’s what happened with our Holographic Showcase, which was present at the Non Fungible Conference, a conference about NFT’s. This time, the emphasis was given to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa project, through the Faz ...

Our workBitcoinCriptomoeda