

20 years - Maiambiente - 360 Virtual Reality Film Project

360º Virtual Reality for Maiambiente | Bio Rumo

Virtual Reality is the Future. RSB produced a 360º virtual reality film for the BioRumo agency, for the client Maiambiente. A 360º view of the brand, company, product or service. Through specialized equipment and state-of-the-art technology, 360º film production comes to life and brings a ...

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Digital Solutions 360 Glasses and Augmented Reality

Interactive 360º VR Film and Glasses + Augmented Reality: Mylan

In 3,2,1 there was action and we shot a series of VR movies for Mylan but we didn’t stop there! At the same time, we market the 360º VR interactive glasses to medical action delegates who chose this technology as a form of creative dissemination ...

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Transparent screen digital solutions and 360º interactive glasses virtual reality - Nunex

Technologies in RSB stands

Event: Private Labels // Dates: May 16th and 17th // Client: Grupo Ghost Of the technologies included in the Grupo Ghost stand, the one that made the biggest splash was undoubtedly the 360º video, which allowed a virtual tour of the intricate factory production line. ...

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Customized stand group ghost with digital solutions - Feira Private Labels

Stand Grupo Ghost

Stand construction Event: PLMA // Dates: May 16th and 17th // Client: Grupo Ghost With 54 square meters, the Grupo Ghost stand presented the Nunex Worldwide and Suavecel brands. The technologies incorporated were the interactive multitouch screen and the 360º glasses, for which the video ...

Our work360 film360 VR

Faurecia – a day to celebrate the union of the company

The Faurecia Group is a global partner in the automotive industry specializing in the design, development, manufacture and supply of automotive parts. It is present in 34 countries, currently has 330 factories and employs over 100,000 employees.   On the 23rd of March, the ...

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Tree photo with effect

8 ways to make a splash with 360º videos

We start by assuming that you already have a camera for this purpose. Now, we assume that you know the main rules for producing a video in this format: – unlike “normal” films in which the props or extras are behind the cameras, in 360⁰ ...

Tips360 film360 VR